# | Report Name | Description |
1. | Steinbock | Personen geboren im Sternzeichen Steinbock (Capricornus): 22. Dezember-20. Januar Individuals born in astrological sign capricornus: 22 DEC - 20 JAN Steinbock 22 Dezember - 21 Januar Capricorn is the Cardinal-Earth sign. Capricorns are natural goal setters. They willingly handle many tasks if it helps them get what they want. Many things get accomplished simply because they happen to be part of Capricorn's overall efforts to reach higher goals. They need definitive guidelines. Rules and regulations provide structure they need for establishing the pattern of their own actions. They must learn however, that the end never justifies the means. |
2. | Wassermann | Personen geboren im Sternzeichen Wassermann (Aquarius): 21. Januar-19. Februar Individuals born in astrological sign aquarius: 21 JAN - 19 FEB Wassermann 21 Januar - 20 Februar Aquarius is the Fixed-Air sign. Aquarians are born looking for ideologies to which they can stubbornly cling. They refuse to budge whenever an issue involves what they believe to be a "matter of principle. " As in the case of the Aquarian Abraham Lincoln, society greatly benefits when these principles happen to be noble ones. |
3. | Fische | Personen geboren im Sternzeichen Fische (Pisces): 20. Februar-20. Maerz Individuals born in astrological sign Pisces 20 FEB - 20 MAR Fische 20 Februar - 22 Maerz Pisces is the Mutable-Water sign. Pisceans adapt emotionally to the influence of their environment. Often painfully shy, they are adept at imitating the mannerisms of other people as a way of hiding their own personality. Pisceans can too easily become victims of their considerable ability to identify with the personality and problems of other people, since it severely restricts the development of their own personality traits and talents. |
4. | Widder | Personen geboren im Sternzeichen Widder (Aries): 21. Maerz -20. April Individuals born in astrological sign Ram 21 MAR - 21 APR Widder 21. Maerz -20. April Aries is the Cardinal-Fire sign. Aries people need to keep physically busy. They accomplish many things simply because of their restless energy. They need to learn how to make constructive use of their energetic efforts. The typical Aries urge is to take on more projects than can be done reasonably well. Though others may find it difficult to physically keep pace, they are attracted to the animation and spirit of Aries personalities. |
5. | Stier | Personen geboren im Sternzeichen Stier (Taurus): 21 April-20 Mai Individuals born in astrological sign taurus: 21 APR - 20 MAY Stier 21 April - 21 Mai Taurus is the Fixed-Earth sign. Taureans stubbornly cling to their own ideas and habits, and may fail to take advantage of new ideas or situations simply because they cannot see their practical use. They have to understand that while tenacity and a stable temperament yield rewards in many endeavors, tolerance and flexibility are the best assets when it comes to personal relationships. |
6. | Zwillinge | Personen geboren im Sternzeichen Zwillinge (Gemini): 21 Mai-21 Juni Individuals born in astrological sign gemini: 21 MAY - 21 JUN Zwillinge 21 Mai - 21 Juni Gemini is the Mutable-Air sign. Using their communicative skills, Geminis adapt to any situation they encounter. However, they must learn to speak with candor instead of simply repeating what others want to hear. Clever-tongued Geminis develop the amazing ability to obscure the facts in their stimulating and imaginative chatter. |
7. | Krebs | Personen geboren im Sternzeichen Krebs (Cancer): 22 Juni-22 Juli Individuals born in astrological sign cancer: 22 JUN - 22 JUL Krebs 21 Juni - 23 Juli Cancer is the Cardinal-Water sign. Cancerians get things done through the power of their emotional commitment. Not only do they aggressively work to accomplish the goals inspired by their own feelings, they also know how to appeal to the emotions of others. By making other people feel like family members, Cancerians effectively inspire others to help get projects accomplished. They have to learn how to reach an emotional balance since they tend to be overly sensitive and moody. |
8. | Loewe | Personen geboren im Sternzeichen Loewe (Leo): 23 Juli -23 August Individuals born in astrological sign leo: 23 JUL - 23 AUG Loewe 23 Juli - 23 August Leo is the Fixed-Fire sign. Leos stubbornly cling to their pride. They resent the indignity of altering their opinions or behavior in front of or at the request of others. Their stubborn nature makes it hard for them to accept that there is no virtue in giving what they want to give rather than what may really be wanted or needed, and no reward in misguided loyalty to those who are not worthy of it. |
9. | Jungfrau | Personen geboren im Sternzeichen Jungfrau (Virgo): 24 August-23 September Individuals born in astrological sign virgo: 24 AUG - 23 SEP Jungfrau 23 August - 23 September Virgo is the Mutable-Earth sign. Virgos adapt to different people and situations by finding ways to make themselves useful. To hide their vulnerability, they focus attention on what they're doing rather than who they are. To deflect attention away from themselves, Virgos will also focus on other people by praising their talents and virtues, or just as likely, by listing their faulty behavior or personal defects. |
10. | Waage | Personen geboren im Sternzeichen Waage (Libra): 24. September-23. Oktober Individuals born in astrological sign libra: 24 SEP - 23 OCT Waage 23 September - 23 Oktober Libra is the Cardinal-Air sign. Librans accomplish things because they intellectually evaluate what needs to be done, and then they charm others into cooperating with them to achieve the goal. By unselfishly sharing the success of accomplishment with those who assisted, Librans continue to engender the cooperative efforts of others. They have to learn how to deal with confrontations. Fear of hurting others or avoidance of hostile situations can keep them from pursuing their goals. |
11. | Skorpion | Personen geboren im Sternzeichen Skorpion (Skorpius): 24.10.-22.11. Individuals born in astrological sign scorpio: 24 OCT - 22 NOV Skorpion 23 Oktober - 22 November Scorpio is the Fixed-Water sign. Scorpios stubbornly cling to emotional attachments. They rarely forget or forgive emotional rejection. They have to learn that jealousy and possessiveness are self-defeating. Rechanneling negative feelings and experiences into constructive activities benefits others as well as themselves. No other sign has the emotional strength of Scorpio. |
12. | Schuetze | Personen geboren im Sternzeichen Schuetze (Sagittarius): 23. November-21. Dezember Individuals born in astrological sign sagittarius: 23 NOV - 21 DEC Schuetze 22 November - 21 Dezember Sagittarius is the Mutable-Fire sign. Restless energy and the need for personal independence keeps Sagittarians moving in many directions. They become experts at adapting to whatever culture and clime happens to fit their current interest. Always ready to travel for business or pleasure, and sometimes because of an overwhelming urge to escape (either figuratively or literally), they are all too willing to bypass the confinements of responsibility and work. |
13. | Individuals: frequency of zodiacal signs | Personen: Haeufigkeit von Sternzeichen |
14. | Individuals, with their zodiacal sign | Liste aller Personen mit ihrem Sternzeichen A list of all the people with their zodiacal sign |
15. | All the women in the database sorted on first name | Alle weiblichen Personen sortiert nach ihren Vornamen |
16. | All the men in the database sorted on first name | Alle maennlichen Personen sortiert nach ihren Vornamen |
17. | People sorted on date | This gives you a list of the people born before 1500, sorted on date of birth |
18. | Changed persons in the last 90 days | Liste aller Personen, deren Daten in den letzten 90 Tagen modifiziert wurden, sortiert nach dem Datum der letzten Aenderung. List of the the people which changed the last 90 days, sorted on the last change date |
19. | Document changes | Veraenderungen an Dokumenten in den letzten 90 Tagen (ohne Verbindung zu den Personen) Documents/histories changed within the last 90 days (listing *without* linked individuals) |
20. | Changes in histories with people | Veraenderungen an Dokumenten in den letzten 90 Tagen mit Verbindung zu den Personen Documents/histories changed within the last 90 days (listing *with* linked individuals) |
21. | Changed families | Familien, deren Daten in den letzten 90 Tagen geaendert wurden Families changed within the last 90 days |
22. | Changes in headstones (Last 90 days w.o. people) | headstones: changes within the last 90 days (listing *without* linked individuals and *without* linked cemeteries) |
23. | Changed headstones with links to cemetries | Headstones: changes within the last 90 days (listing *without* linked individuals but *with* linked cemeteries) |
24. | Photos changed within the last 90 days | Photos changed within the last 90 days (listing *with* linked individuals) |
25. | Unknown sex | A list of the people with unknown gender and not stillborn Eine Liste mit Personen, deren Geschlecht unbekannt ist und die nicht totgeboren wurden. |
26. | Familien mit geschlechtsgleichen Partnern | Familien mit geschlechtsgleichen Partnern (Daten-Plausibilitätskontrolle) // families with partners having the same sex (check for data plausibility) |
27. | Veterans | An overview of veterans (at least if you added some) |
28. | all occuring places, including place levels | all occuring places, including place levels |
29. | sources with citation frequency, ordered by sources | sources with citation frequency, ordered by sources |
30. | sources with citation frequency, ordered by frequency | sources with citation frequency, ordered by frequency |
31. | sources: citation texts - with frequency of occurence | sources: citation texts - with frequency of occurence ordered by description |
32. | individuals: frequency distribution of zodiacal signs | individuals: frequency distribution of zodiac signs |
33. | individuals without date of birth/baptism/death/burial | individuals without date of birth/baptism/death/burial (empty date fields) |
34. | individuals without places | individuals without places - missing birth/baptism/death/burial place (empty place fields) |
35. | indivuals ordered by ascending age | indivuals ordered by ascending age (only deceased) |
36. | individuals: age frequency distribution | individuals: age frequency distribution (only deceased) Personen: Altersverteilung (nur Verstorbene) |
37. | individuals: age frequency per decade | individuals: age frequency per decade (only deceased), one = equals 100 people Personen: Lebensalterverteilung je Dekade (nur Verstorbene), ein = entspricht 100 Personen |
38. | Individuals marked as living | Individuals marked as "living" with age > 100 years Personen mit Alter > 100 Jahren, die als "lebend" gekennzeichnet sind |
39. | inviduals: birthdays in the current month | inviduals: birthdays in the current month (only deceased persons) Personen: Geburtstage im aktuellen Monat (nur Verstorbene) |
40. | individuals with an unclear date of birth | individuals with an unclear date of birth e.g. "ABT", "BEF", "AFT", "CAL" |
41. | individuals: birth frequency by century | individuals: birth frequency by century, one = equals 100 people Personen: Geburtenrate je Jahrhundert, ein = entspricht 100 Personen |
42. | individuals: birth frequency by decades | individuals: birth frequency by decades, one = equals 50 people Personen: Geburtenrate je Dekade, ein = entspricht 50 Personen |
43. | individuals: birth frequency by calendar months | individuals: birth frequency by calendar months, one = equals 50 people Personen: Geburtenrate pro Kalendermonat, ein = entspricht 50 Personen |
44. | individuals: baptism frequency by century | individuals: baptism frequency by century, one = equals 100 people Personen: Taufrate pro Jahrhundert, ein = entspricht 100 Personen |
45. | individuals: days between birth and baptism | individuals: number of days from birth and baptism Personen: Anzahl Tage zwischen Geburt und Taufe. |
46. | individuals: frequency distribution of days from birth to baptism | individuals: frequency distribution of days from birth to baptism, one = equals 10 people Personen: Verteilung der Tage zwischen Geburt und Taufe, ein = entspricht 10 Personen |
47. | individuals with 50. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 50. birthdate this year or next year Personen, die dieses oder nächstes Jahr 50. Geburtstag feiern. |
48. | individuals with 60. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 60. birthdate this year or next year Personen, die dieses oder nächstes Jahr 60. Geburtstag feiern. |
49. | individuals with 65. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 65. birthdate this year or next year Personen, die dieses oder nächstes Jahr 65. Geburtstag feiern. |
50. | individuals with 70. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 70. birthdate this year or next year Personen, die dieses oder nächstes Jahr 70. Geburtstag feiern. |
51. | individuals with 75. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 75. birthdate this year or next year Personen, die dieses oder nächstes Jahr 75. Geburtstag feiern. |
52. | individuals with 80. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 80. birthdate this year or next year Personen, die dieses oder nächstes Jahr 80. Geburtstag feiern. |
53. | individuals with 85. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 85. birthdate this year or next year Personen, die dieses oder nächstes Jahr 85. Geburtstag feiern. |
54. | individuals with 90. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 90. birthdate this year or next year Personen, die dieses oder nächstes Jahr 90. Geburtstag feiern. |
55. | individuals with 100. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 100. birthdate this year or next year Personen, die dieses oder nächstes Jahr 100. Geburtstag feiern. |
56. | individuals, by place of birth | individuals, sorted by place of birth Personen sortiert nach Geburtsort |
57. | individuals, by place of baptism | individuals, by place of baptism Personen sortiert nach Ort der Taufe |
58. | individuals with an unclear date of death | individuals with an unclear date of death Personen mit unklarem Sterbedatum |
59. | individuals: death frequency by century | individuals: death frequency by century, one = equals 100 people Personen: Sterberate pro Jahrhundert, ein = entspricht 100 Personen. |
60. | individuals: birth frequency by day-of-week | individuals: birth frequency by day-of-week one = equals 50 people Personen: Geburtenrate je Wochentag, ein = entspricht 50 Personen. |
61. | individuals: death frequency by decades | individuals: death frequency by decades one = equals 20 people Personen: Sterberate je Dekade, ein = entspricht 20 Personen. |
62. | individuals: death frequency by calendar months | individuals: death frequency by calendar months one = equals 50 people Personen: Sterberate je Kalendermonat, ein = entspricht 50 Personen. |
63. | individuals: death frequency by day-of-week | individuals: death frequency by day-of-week one = equals 10 people Personen: Sterberate je Wochentag, ein = entspricht 10 Personen. |
64. | families with missing partners | families with missing partners Familien mit fehlendem Ehepartner. |
65. | families: marriage frequency by century | families: marriage frequency by century one = equals 100 people Familien: Hochzeiten je Jahrhundert, ein = entspricht 100 Personen. |
66. | families: marriage frequency by decades | families: marriage frequency by decades one = equals 10 people Familien: Hochzeiten je Dekade, ein = entspricht 10 Personen. |
67. | families: marriage frequency by day-of-week | families: marriage frequency by day-of-week one = equals 50 people Familien: Hochzeiten je Wochentag, ein = entspricht 50 Personen. |
68. | families: marriage frequency by calendar month | families: marriage frequency by calendar month one = equals 10 people Familien: Hochzeiten je Kalendermonat, ein = entspricht 10 Personen. |
69. | individuals married with age <= 18 years | individuals married with age <= 18 years Personen, die im Alter von 18 oder jünger geheiratet haben. |
70. | individuals married with age >= 80 years | individuals married with age >= 80 years Personen, die im Alter von 80 oder höher geheiratet haben. |
71. | families: individual with marriage date *after* death date | families: individual with marriage date *after* death date Familien: Personen, deren Heiratsdatum *nach* dem Sterbedatum liegt. |
72. | families: individuals with marriage date *before* birthdate | families: individuals with marriage date *before* birthdate Familien: Personen, deren Hochzeitsdatum *vor* dem Geburtsdatum liegt. |
73. | families: frequency distribution of marriage age, by year | families: frequency distribution of marriage age Familien: Verteilung des Hochzeitsalters. |
74. | families: frequency distribution of wife's marriage age, by year | families: frequency distribution of wife's marriage age, by year one = equals 10 people Familien: Verteilung des Hochzeitsalters bei Frauen nach Jahren, ein = entspricht 10 Personen. |
75. | families: frequency distribution of husband's marriage age, by year | families: frequency distribution of husband's marriage age, by year one = equals 50 people Familien: Verteilung des Hochzeitsalters bei Männern nach Jahren, ein = entspricht 10 Personen. |
76. | families: frequency distribution of wife's marriage age, by 5-year-steps | families: frequency distribution of wife's marriage age, by 5-year-steps one = equals 10 people Familien: Verteilung des Hochzeitsalters bei Frauen in 5-Jahresschritten, ein = entspricht 10 Personen. |
77. | families: frequency distribution of husband's marriage age, by 5-year-steps | families: frequency distribution of husband's marriage age, by 5-year-steps one = equals 10 people Familien: Verteilung des Hochzeitsalters bei Männern in 5-Jahresschritten, ein = entspricht 10 Personen. |
78. | families: occuring marriage types without names (but with frequency) | families: occuring marriage types without names (but with frequency) one = equals 5 people |
79. | Families sorted according to number of children | Families sorted according to number of children Familien sortiert nach Anzahl der Kinder. |
80. | individuals with missing father or missing mother | individuals with missing father or missing mother Personen mit fehlendem Vater oder fehlender Mutter. |
81. | Incomplete families | Families where husband or wife is missing Familien bei denen Ehemann oder Ehefrau fehlt. |
82. | Individuals (not: families!) with number of associated children | Individuals (not: families!) with number of associated children Personen (nicht Familien!) mit Anzahl der zugeordneten Kinder. |
83. | Families: twins, triplets.. | Families: twins, triplets... Familien mit Zwillingen, Drillingen, ... |
84. | Families: Twins | Families: Twins Familien mit Zwillingen. |
85. | families, ordered by husband's name | families, ordered by husband's name Famlien, sortiert nach Name des Ehemanns. |
86. | families, ordered by wife's maiden name | families, ordered by wife's maiden name Familien, sortiert nach Mädchennamen der Ehefrauen. |
87. | families: husbands | families: husbands Familien: Ehemänner |
88. | families: marriage types with individuals (with personIDs *and* names) | families: marriage types with individuals (with personIDs *and* names) |
89. | families: wifes | families: wifes Familien: Ehefrauen |
90. | Families: individuals with missing father or missing mother | Families: individuals with missing father or missing mother Familien: Personen mit fehlendem Vater oder fehlender Mutter. |
91. | individuals: number of days between birth and death | individuals: number of days between birthday and death Personen: Anzahl Tage zwischen Geburt und Tod. |
92. | birthday to death, one = equals 5 people | individuals: frequency distribution of weeks from birthday to death, one = equals 5 people |
93. | Individuals: weeks between birth and death. | Individuals: frequency distribution of difference (in "absolute" weeks) between day/month of birth and day/month of death |
94. | Places without coordinates | Orte ohne Koordinaten |
95. | Orphans | People without any parents, ordered according to the last input. Personen ohne Eltern, sortiert nach dem Datum der letzten Änderung. |
96. | Orphans without partner and children | Persons who are connected to nobody.
Open the links in the report please in a new window. Personen, die mit niemandem verknüpft sind. Links in der Auswertung bitte in einem neuen Fenster öffnen. |
97. | Faulty birth, baptism, death and burial APROXIMATE dates, e.g. abt1988 | Fehlerhafte Geburts-, Tauf-, Sterbe- und Beerdigungsdaten, z.B. "um1988". |
98. | empty notes | empty notes Leere Notizen. |
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